Crypto’s Coming Panic Event is where Teeka Tiwari will give you his entire playbook on how to prepare for this coming panic, including a free recommendation.
By Teeka Tiwari, editor, Palm Beach Daily
The No. 1 Worry I Hear From Bitcoin Investors
Last week, while attending the Bitcoin Miami Conference, one of my high-net-worth friends invited me to a special, closed-door meeting with U.S. Representative Pete Sessions.
Sessions, who is from Texas, was also in town for the conference.
He believes bitcoin is “aligned with American values” and predicts that it’ll work to strengthen the U.S. dollar.
He also wants to make sure Congress doesn’t regulate the burgeoning crypto economy out of existence.
My friend who invited me to the meeting has made a fortune in crypto. And he’s worried about government overregulation of digital assets.
So he put together a small, exclusive gathering of heavy hitters from Wall Street and the blockchain space to speak to the congressman.
And the first person he introduced Rep. Sessions to was me.
He trusts me to speak about bitcoin to a political heavyweight like Rep. Sessions because he made his crypto fortune following my newsletters.
In a moment, I’ll share my thoughts on whether the government will ban bitcoin.
But first, I want to say I’m humbled that my work for everyday Americans has put me in the position to advocate to the government on behalf of this groundbreaking technology.
If it weren’t for you believing in me, I wouldn’t be where I am today. And I wouldn’t be able to push for regulations that will cultivate the crypto ecosystem, not suppress it.
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I’ve never seen an asset with more power to transform the lives of everyday people than bitcoin and crypto assets…
There’s a dentist from Oklahoma City I met who turned a few thousand dollars into $2 million… and an auto parts salesman who made six figures from a single $500 investment in one of my ideas.
These are the kinds of people I fight for. People like you. Because, like Rep. Sessions, I believe bitcoin is “aligned with American values.”
Now, let me turn to my thoughts on potential regulation…
Last month, President Biden signed an executive order calling on the government to examine the risks and benefits of cryptocurrencies.
Even now, people are still freaking out about this order. They believe it’ll lead to restrictive rules that will stifle innovation.
But I’m not worried.
The order says exactly what you would want it to say… And the U.S. will not get left behind on blockchain technology.
The U.S. government is now taking a unified approach to providing regulatory guardrails the industry can use to grow in a compliant way.
The decision to pursue a unified regulatory framework will be the foundational launching pad that will propel the entire United States into the blockchain age.
Why the sudden change of heart by the government?
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I believe it all comes down to something I’ve been saying for years: Never bet against Wall Street greed.
If we’ve learned one thing about global governments, it’s that they don’t stand in the way of the big banks’ desire to make money.
Take the 2007 housing crash. It was among the top five most devasting financial crises in history.
The stock market plummeted, wiping out nearly $8 trillion in value between late 2007 and 2009…
Americans lost $9.8 trillion in wealth as their home values plummeted and their retirement accounts vaporized.
But after that horrible financial crisis, did the government ban mortgage-backed securities… credit default swap… or collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)?
Those financial products brought our country to its knees. Yet, the government didn’t eliminate them… (Which is shocking to me.)
So, why didn’t they get banned?
The answer is simple: Wall Street makes too much money from them.
Crypto Millionaire: “Pay Attention to June 22”
On Wednesday, June 22, a little-known, but HUGE announcement could make waves for crypto investors.
And with every big bank now offering bitcoin to their “high-net-worth” clients… they now want to make sure they have the regulation in place to roll out crypto products to the rest of their millions of “ordinary” clients.
To be clear: I’m not comparing bitcoin to mortgage-backed securities or CDOs.
Unlike those risky financial products – which relied on trusting that your counterparty was delivering what they said they would deliver and would have the funds to pay you – bitcoin is completely different.
- It’s completely transparent. The bitcoin blockchain allows you to see and verify if your counterparty has what they say they have.
- It is finite. There will only ever be 21 million bitcoin minted.
- It is tamper-proof. No matter how much power, money, guns, or influence you have… you can never make the bitcoin network do something it’s not coded to do.
This is why I consider bitcoin to be a world-class asset.
And they want a piece of the action.
Think about this…
Bitcoin is a $1 trillion asset. And it hit that market cap with every banker on the planet hating it.
I know many people who lost their bank accounts when they bought bitcoin during its early days. I surely did when I wired money from my bank to Coinbase.
(I still have banks that will refuse to let me open an account simply because I write about bitcoin and crypto assets.)
Fast forward to today, and every major U.S. brokerage firm supports it.
Again, bitcoin went to a $1 trillion value while operating outside the traditional financial system. What do you think its value will hit inside the financial system?
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Is it $10 trillion… $20 trillion… $30 trillion… $40 trillion?
Do you think Wall Street is going to give up all the fees that will come from a run up like that?
Do you think the federal government is going to give up all the tax revenue from that growth?
No, they won’t.
With that much money at stake, don’t be surprised to see the financial and government establishments start defending bitcoin and crypto assets.
Look, the facts tell me we have moved past the risk of the U.S. government banning bitcoin.
Now, is that a certainty? No. I can’t give you certainty… certainty is a myth.
But I can give you highly educated viewpoints based on years of research.
And all of what I know of bitcoin, human behavior, and Wall Street greed tells me we’ve moved beyond bitcoin and crypto assets being banned.
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The Coming Crypto Panic
As I told the congressman’s panel, bitcoin has reached escape velocity. I believe it’ll eventually be a primary base layer of the global financial system the way that government bonds are now.
Central banks around the globe will hold bitcoin as a reserve currency on their balance sheets much like they do with gold and U.S. dollars.
But please bear this in mind…
While the threat of a bitcoin ban is largely behind us… it doesn’t mean it’ll be smooth sailing between here and bitcoin’s rise to a premier global monetary asset.
Between now and then, we’ll see a LOT of volatility.
And right now, I see a coming “crypto panic.”
It all has to do with an event coming to crypto that’s never happened before. Only a handful of people know about it. And it’s guaranteed to happen. No matter what.
Now, I’m not talking about a bitcoin halving or anything like that. This event will only happen once. That’s it.
In my opinion, it could be the biggest crypto event of this decade. And when it happens, I believe it will trigger a crypto panic like we’ve never seen before.
To prepare you for this event, I’m holding a special briefing on April 20 at 8 p.m. ET.
It’s called Crypto’s Coming Panic: Teeka Tiwari’s Most Important Warning of His Career.
During this briefing, I’ll share my playbook for thriving and surviving this coming panic.
For those who follow my playbook, it’ll offer a chance at securing a lifetime of wealth and income that has the power to change the course of your entire generational line.
This investment could fund your lifestyle… your children’s lifestyle… and their children’s lifestyle.
So be sure to join me on Wednesday, April 20, at 8 p.m. ET.
I’ll tell you all about the crypto panic on the horizon… and reveal details that you won’t hear from mainstream outlets like CNBC or Bloomberg.
You’ll even get the name of one of my top cryptos to play this panic… absolutely free.
My free picks have averaged a gain of over 1,500%. That’s 16x your money… So please make sure you attend and take advantage of my free pick right away.
Friends, in my opinion, we’ve moved past concerns about the government banning bitcoin. But you need to be aware of this important warning I have for you.
Hearing it could be the difference between a lifetime of generational wealth or a lifetime of regret for missing out.
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