If you’re thinking of investing in cryptocurrencies, or already have, this will be the most important article you read this year.
That’s because I just got back from a private meeting in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. The co-creator of the Euro was invited, along with key government officials and industry leaders.
And while I was there I discovered a little-known development in the cryptocurrency market.
According to one recent report, two inside sources at the SEC and CFTC have confirmed this development is “nearly certain” to happen in September.
The first source, from the Commodities Futures Trading Commission says, “I would call it 90% at this point.”
And a second source, a former SEC employee who left the regulator two weeks ago said, “I would expect a positive outcome in September.”
I think it will happen a little later, by the end of the year. But I have 100% conviction this will happen.
And I believe it will push Bitcoin to its highest price ever by Christmas. (And a handful of smaller cryptocurrencies could go up far more.)
This really lays out the full story about the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity you have to make a second killing from cryptos.
Click here and I’ll reveal exactly what’s going on in full.
This is so big, it’s already attracting major smart money into the crypto market for the first time including hedge fund legend, Steve Cohen and billionaire, Marc Lasry who has committed 1% of his net worth ($16.8 million) to buying Bitcoin.