Editor’s Note: Last Wednesday, Teeka said “Another bull market will come again [regarding cryptos]. Just like every other crypto bull market in the past, the next move up will make the previous one look like a pimple on an elephant’s behind.”
As you’ll see in today’s article, Teeka isn’t the only analyst who thinks the next crypto bull market will be bigger than the last (where we saw Bitcoin go past $19,000).
Today, you will be hearing from Marco Wutzer, Senior Analyst, Disruptive Profits.
Marco is also an expert when it comes to cryptocurrencies. He first started investing in Bitcoin in 2010 and made his first six-figure profit trade in 2013.
In other words, he’s been doing this for a while.
And just like Teeka, Marco also believes the upcoming crypto bull market will be BIG. Below is his take on why the next crypto bull market will be bigger than the last…
Eight seconds.
That’s how long you have to grab someone’s attention before they mentally drift off to the next thing. That’s one second less than a goldfish.
Thanks to constant interruptions by smartphones and multitasking, our attention spans are getting shorter all the time.
This is also reflected in absurd investor behavior…
Over the last five decades, the average holding period for a stock has steadily declined. It’s fallen from eight years to a mere four months since the 1960s. You can see this in the chart below:
I wouldn’t be surprised if that average is even shorter in the fast-paced, 24/7 crypto market.
Why am I telling you this?
Put simply, if you want to be a successful crypto speculator, you need to take a long-term view.
The Future Takes Time to Build
The internet took 30 years to become mainstream. Blockchain technology is barely 10 years old and has only received serious attention for the last three years or so.
Rewiring the global financial system and the larger economy takes a long time. Still, the Blockchain Ecosystem is developing fast. And it’s spreading like a virus.
Eventually, it will take over all the aspects of our daily lives in which it makes sense to use a trust-minimized system.
You see, nature is trending towards higher orders of complexity.
In short, blockchain technology is peer-to-peer, immutable, and censorship-resistant. This enables us to build a freer, more complex society outside the limitations of nation-states.
Building the future takes time. It’ll be another three to five years or so until cryptocurrencies reach mass adoption.
But luckily, we don’t have to wait for this to fully play out to profit as speculators.
Experienced Biotech stock investor, Kyle Dennis, will be showing you 3 easy-to-follow steps that you’re going to want in your playbook & he’s got the numbers to prove it!
That’s because markets move in cycles. Each cycle brings in a new wave of cryptocurrency adopters.
I deal with the Blockchain Ecosystem on a daily basis. So it’s easy for me to forget that there are billions of people on this planet that have never even heard of blockchain technology.
I was reminded of this recently at Doug Casey’s estancia in Uruguay. We were having dinner with a cosmopolitan, affluent Uruguayan couple.
She is a lawyer and real estate broker, and he is retired with a background in many business ventures, including being a stockbroker at one time.
In other words, they’re wealthy, educated people who travel the world… not local, isolated farmers.
When Doug asked them what they think about cryptocurrencies, it turned out they had never even heard about Bitcoin.
This goes to show that we still have a very long way to go. Most of the growth is still ahead of us.
Superior Solutions, Growing Awareness
A crypto seed was planted in the Uruguayan couple’s heads that evening.
They might not investigate the topic much further right away… But two more people on the planet are now aware that cryptocurrencies exist and offer superior solutions to many problems.
Think about that for a moment. Variations of this conversation play out thousands of times a day across the globe.
That’s why from 2015 to the end of last year, the number of people who use blockchain wallets grew over 900%.
That means almost 29 million more people use blockchain wallets today than just four years ago.
No matter if we are in a bull or bear market, the crypto meme is spreading and reaching more people.
Even during the current bear market, more people learn about blockchain technology every day. The couple Doug and I talked to in Uruguay is a case in point.
When the market eventually turns bullish again, this recently growing pool of new adopters will be ready to participate in the new world of the Blockchain Ecosystem for the very first time.
That means when the next bull market starts, the network effects will be even stronger than the last time.
Buckle up.
Editor’s note: You have also seen me say that the time to start getting into cryptos is now.
If you haven’t yet, make sure to click here to learn how you can start earning crypto income and learn the right way to buy Bitcoin.